111049874 زائر
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المكتبة العلمية |
الصفحة الرئيسية للمكتبة
>> متلازمة داون Down Syndrome
العنوان |
Down Syndrome Visions for the 21st Century |
المؤلف / الباحث |
William I. Cohen |
القراءة |
10020 |
رابط التحميل |
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(حجم الملف:2.59 MB)
Down Syndrome Visions for the 21st Century By William I. Cohen, Lynn Nadel, Myra E. Madnick Publisher: Wiley-Liss Number Of Pages: 473 Publication Date: 2002-06-15 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471418153 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471418153 Binding: Paperback Book Description: Providing a comprehensive survey of the clinical, educational, developmental, psychosocial, and transitional issues relevant to people with Down syndrome, this book addresses the needs of family members, caregivers, and professionals alike. Edited in association with the National Down Syndrome Society, this up-to-date treatment incorporates the newest developments concerning sexuality, inclusion, transition into adulthood, and legislation, as well as a discussion of the Human Genome Project and the sequencing of chromosome 21.
o Self-Determination. o Self-Advocacy. o Advocacy. o Role of the Family. o Health and Clinical Care. o Research. o Psycho-Social Issues. o Education/Inclusion. o Communication, Math and Language Skills. o Turning the Vision into Reality. |

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